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香港與加拿大安省教育比較 個人體驗一覽 – 中學篇 Experience Sharing for Hong Kong & Ontario Education - Secondary School

作家相片: themaplecouplethemaplecouple

繼上回,小弟有幸係小學同埋中學時期,先後接受香港同埋加拿大的教育。今日我想同大家分享一下香港中學同埋加拿大中學 (以及報讀大學系統Ontario Universities' Application Centre - OUAC) 既個人體驗。

宜家回想當年係香港考會考,同埋加拿大時讀既私立High School,真係好懷念以前無憂無慮既生活。


To be continued from our last post.... I had the opportunity to receive both primary and secondary education in both Hong Kong and Canada (Ontario). Today I hope to share with you my personal experience in the secondary schools from both Hong Kong and Canada (including the experience to apply for university via the Ontario Universities' Application Centre-OUAC). Recalling the time when I was a HKCEE student in Hong Kong and high school student in Canada, I really missed my good days when life was worry free and simple. In fact, university application is a very complicated topic, the OUAC itself is quite a complicated system. If you have any questions after reading this post, feel free to PM me for a chat.


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