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作家相片: themaplecouplethemaplecouple

有唔少網友問我哋係點樣過嚟加拿大嘅。其實小弟自細已經係香港同埋加拿大生活,有幸接受兩邊嘅教育,兩個地方都有屋企人。今次返黎,決定喺度落地生根,亦都透過 outland sponsorship申請左太太成為加拿大居民。


可能因為很多不同嘅原因,好多在香港的朋友為咗自己、屋企人或子女嘅將來,選擇嘗試離開自己嘅comfort zone,去尋找一個新嘅家園。心裏面以為只要到了一個新的地方從新開始,一切會變得很美好。似乎只要離開咗香港,所有嘢都會好順利。

但係,就因為你離開嘅係comfort zone ,你要有心理準備,嚟緊嗰幾年嘅生活將會同以前好唔同。由衣食住行去到工作、讀書、交朋友等,都未必能夠完全倚賴以前嘅經驗。你要學習豁出去,要有心理準備,呢個係一個fresh start,唔係一個避風港。你要準備放低身為香港人的優越感,學習了解其他人的多元文化、語言、生活習慣等等。如果你想融入呢個地方,你會發現每日你講廣東話嘅次數會好似越黎越少。




[Let go of yourself today for a better tomorrow]

Many friends in this page asked us why we moved to Canada. In fact, I have lived in both Hong Kong and Canada since childhood with my families, and I was furtunate enough to receive education from both places. Recently my wife and I have decided to settle down in Toronto and she has obtained a Canada PR through outland sponsorship.

We understand that for many people, it is not an easy decision to leave their hometown. It's so convenient in Hong Kong: the transportation, shopping, food, entertainment, etc. The most important thing is that we have our families and friends who love us here.

Perhaps for many different reasons, many friends in Hong Kong try to leave their comfort zone and find a new place that they will call home again, for the future of themselves, their families or their children. Some of us may thought that as soon as we arrived a new place and re-started our life, everything would become great again. It seems that as long as you leave Hong Kong, everything must do well.

However, just because you are leaving your comfort zone, you have to be mentally prepared for this. Life in the coming few years will be different from the past. From daily necessities like clothing, food, housing and transportation to working, studying, meeting new friends, etc. You may not able to completely rely on previous experience. You have to be resilient and have to be mentally prepared. This is a fresh start, not a safe haven. You need to uphold humility, learn to understand and respect other’s culture, languages, lifestyles, etc. If you want to integrate into this new place, you will find that the number of times you get to speak your mother tongue will be lesser every day.

Challenges for each one of us are different. Some friends find its challenging to speak a different language, some find kitchen is new place for them or some might think that learning to drive or going to the bank are already a challenge. Therefore, the first question you have to ask yourself, "Are you someone who is willing to accept Challenges in life?"

Meanwhile, you might have noticed some foreigners choose to live in Hong Kong when you are fighting so hard to leave. Maybe there is in fact a lot of beauty in Hong Kong that we don’t appreciate? Hong Kong’s high-income level, mature economic development and also the convenience are not comparable to many foreign countries. We must understand this.

You always have to ask yourself: whether the simple life in foreign countries, multiculturalism, wonderful nature, comfortable living environment, relaxed and slower lifestyle rhythm is something you want? Do you dislike to be in a crowded street and do you hope your family not to be oppressed? If Yes, congratulations, you will slowly feel the way of living you are hoping for, when you start to work hard for a lifestyle that suits you.

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