非常感動!❤️❤️❤️ The Maple Couple 與 AC Wealth 聯手合作,刊登第一篇有關加拿大理財的技術文章。 準備離開香港/台灣的各位,謹記熟讀這篇文章,以協助你在理財、處理稅務等事情上更得心應手。
AC Wealth 是位於Markham, ON 的超過20年經驗的 Financial Planning Boutique。將來我們會繼續刊登更多有關稅務、退休策劃、加拿大教育基金等等的文章,協助大家認識加拿大的理財生活。
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由於保單賠償在一般的情況下,是不用繳交稅項的。因此,人壽保單在加拿大非常受歡迎。 人壽保障可以在受保人萬一不幸身故時,用於償還借貸、房屋抵押、支付配偶生活費和子女大學教育等洗費。只需要在投保時填上受益人的資料,將來的人壽賠償可以繞過遺產利得稅和法律上的處理,以較快的方法直接獲得保險公司的賠償。
而政府所提供的EI保障最多只提供15星期的保障,如雇主提供Canada Pension Plan,每月基本保障約為$500加元,且傷殘的定義較一般較保險公司的定義為嚴謹。因此,很多人都會自己額外購買意外傷殘保障。
1. 身體狀況和年紀
2. 保單貨幣和匯率風險
3. 保單是否有儲蓄成份
如你的保單是沒有儲蓄成份 (例如某些醫療和意外保險),現有身體狀況沒有很大變化。你可以和家人商討將來如需就醫,會否希望在加拿大以外的地方就醫。如你決定將來會在加拿大接受醫療的話,或可考慮在獲得Health Card後在根據你的調整你現有的海外保障。
如你的保單是有儲蓄成分,你必須檢視其保單價值 (退保價值)是否屬於你滿意的水平。其中一個可衡量的方法是保單價值是否高於你所繳交的保費。當然,你必須考慮其他因素,再作出決定是否保留現有的保障。
4. 將來理賠的安排
由於每個家庭的需要和情況都不同,如果你在這方面需要任何協助的話,歡迎聯絡AC Wealth 於加拿大的業務代表。我們很願意爲你提供一切可行的協助。除了個人保險產品意外,我們也提供Housing Mortgage、銀行戶口開戶、RESP、RRSP、TFSA、個人理財、Private Wealth和退休計劃等產品,助你更易於適應加拿大的新生活。
歡迎大家瀏覽我們的網站,以瞭解更多有關AC Wealth 的業務: www.acwealth.ca
[What should I do with my existing insurance policies after moving to Canada?]
For more than two decades, AC Wealth, a financial planning firm based in Markham, Ontario, has been helping Canadians achieve financial goals. Helping invididuals and families new to Canada on their financial matters is a vital part of what we do. Many clients look for answers on managing overseas assets and complicated tax implications. They also ask about how they should deal with their existing insurance policies.
We would like to share with you some of the more common asked questions related to existing insurance policies and tax treatment.
Life insurance:
Life insurance products play an important role for individuals and families in Canada. Insurance premiums are non-deductible and death benefits are tax-free.
In the event of pre-matured death, death benefits are generally used to repay outstanding debts, such as personal loans and mortgages, cover living expenses, and children’s education bills. By designating a beneficiary for your life insurance, death benefits bypass probate and complicated legal process, and the beneficiary gets a cheque in a short period of time.
However, please note that policy loans and withdrawal of policy value may be taxable, whether your policies were purchased in Canada or oversea.
(https://www.canada.ca/…/completing…/personal-income/amounts- that-taxed.html)
Accidental disability protection:
One in every five persons in Canada suffer in physical disabilities in some part of their lives, which would affect their daily activities.
Employment Insurance benefits provide only up to 15 weeks of protection in case of injury. If an employee is covered by Canada Pension Plan, the basic monthly protection is about $500, but the definition of disability is strict compared to that of the insurance companies. Therefore, many people will purchase additional accidental disability insurance to meet their needs in case of disability.
Monthly disability income paid out by an individual disability insurance plan is not subject to income tax.
(https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/…/11-6…/11-627-m2018035-eng.htm https://www.canada.ca/…/…/services/insurance/disability.html)
Critical illness protection:
Due to the fact that universal health care is provided by the government, most Canadians overlook the importance of critical illness protection. When suffering from a serious illness, personal income may be affected while they still have to pay for their living expenses.
Moreover, certain medical treatments and medications are required to be self-funded by patients. Therefore, critical illness protection is essential to protect ones assets, whether it's retirement savings or business that they own. In Canada, there is an average of 600 new patients who suffer from cancer every day, while heart attack and stroke are most common critical illnesses among Canadians.
Payout from critical illness is generally not taxable.
Many new immigrants own insurance policies in their home country before moving to Canada. Here are some key points to consider whether to keep these policies or not:
1. Health condition and age
Before deciding whether to surrender your current policies, you should check if there are any changes in your health conditions. Poor health conditions would affect the premium and coverage of the new insurance policy that you will likely buy in the future. Also, If you are age 40 or above, generally the premium for purchasing new policies would be more expensive compared to that of a younger age.
2. Policy currency and exchange rate risk
What is the base currency of your existing policies? If they are USD policies, we would assume exchange rate risk would be relatively lower. However, if your existing policies are in HKD/RMB or other currencies with saving elements, you might be worried about potential currency risks and you would need to carefully consider whether to retain these existing policies.
3. Does the policy have savings?
If your insurance policies do not have savings (such as medical and accident plans) and if you have maintained good health over time, you can then consider whether you would only wish to seek medical treatments in Canada in the future. If the answer is “Yes”, you may consider to review your existing protection portfolio after obtaining a health card in Canada. If your current policies is a saving product, you must check whether its current surrender value meets your expectation. One measurement could be to determine whether the policy value is higher than the premium you have already paid, which we call it a break-even point. Of course, there are other factors to consider before deciding whether to retain these existing policies.
4. Claims arrangement
If your policies are purchased overseas, future claims will be processed in that country. It also means that application for claims needs to be submitted overseas, and the payouts would be deposited into the overseas bank account of the beneficiaries. There are possibly other unforeseen factors that would affect the process of the claims.
Regardless your decision, we encourage you to consult a professional advisor on the potential risks that your family will face before and after landing in Canada.
Each family have different insurance and financial planning needs. We encourage you to reach out to our representatives at AC Wealth and we are happy to answer your questions and provide you with consultations that tailor your needs. In addition to insurance products, AC Wealth also provides mortgage solutions, opening a bank account, RESP, RRSP, TFSA, private wealth, and retirement solutions. Our goal is to help you adapt to Canada with the best resources you can have.
Visit our website at www.acwealth.ca to find out more about our services.
[Notes: The views and opinions expressed are those of the author and may not necessarily be those of Acwealth Insurance Agency Limited. The content is for informational purposes only and not meant to be personalized financial advice.]